Let's grow together


Franchise Opportunity!


Franchise Cost

Mini Franchise – 4,00,000/-

Area – 100-150 sq. ft.

Royalty – 5%

Regular Franchise – 7,00,000/-

Area – 100-150 sq. ft.

Royalty – 5%

Mega Franchise – 12,00,000/-

Area – 200-250 sq. ft.

Royalty – 5%

Franchise Support

  • All the packing material and disposables will be supplied by ttok
  • Staff Training and Support
  • Marketing and business support, Periodic Marketing on the local networks.
  • All the serving material will be supplied by Ttok.

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About Us

We at Ttok Chaat House are the first to develop “Panipuri Home Delivery concept in a unique fashion. Started during the pandemic with just one product and now have built a brand holding variety of different chaats. The brand name “Ttok” is not just a name it is a feeling, the feeling in your mouth when you eat khatta, meetha, spicy, sweet and sour is “Ttok”.
The blend of homemade recipies and street side flavours is what we serve at “Ttok Chaat House”. We have prepared a model which is sustainable and have ease in serving food.
We have the passion to deliver best quality Food in safe and hygienic environment which drives us to do better everyday.

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